(set: $x to (font: "cabinsketchbold"))
#(text-style:"expand","fade-in-out")[SAFE is the new COOL]]
[//A guide on how to do [[drugs->Drug]] responsibly.//]
###(button:)[[About->About Me]]
(set: $x to (font: "cabinsketchbold"))
(text-style:"expand")[The most *IMPORTANT* first aspects, which need to be taken into consideration *ALWAYS*.]]
(text-style:"subscript")[! You will not necessarily experience the effects described by the interviewed people.
! Someone with such symptoms will not necessarily take drugs.
! Medications can cause physical side effects, some of which can be unpleasant or dangerous.
! If you do not have side effects now, it does not mean that they will not appear in the future.
You will find out more by reading this guide. Here are presented people's experiences with drugs, and facts on where to go if you have problems.
Have a nice reading!]
A (text-colour:#d6336c)[''drug''] is a chemical used in the treatment of the cure/ prevention of a disease or used to enhance physical or mental well-being.
(b4r:"solid")+(b4r-size:4)[//In short, it is (text-colour:#d6336c)[any substance] (with the exception of food and water), which, when administered, (text-colour:#d6336c)[changes the body's function].//]
A (text-colour:#d6336c)[''recreational drug''] is one used without medical justification, but taken for //pleasure// or //recreational purposes//. (text-style:"underline")[In this guide I will refer to these.]
[For some, a drug has (text-colour:#d6336c)[changed their perception of life] and they now have a more serious approach.]
(text-style:"blur")[####//[People like them believe that through drugs they met God]. //]
[There are also many people for whom drugs have (text-colour:#d6336c)[made their lives worse], always having flashbacks about what they experienced under the influence of a drug.]
(text-style:"blur")[####//[Certain people said through drugs they met the Devil]//.]
Keep reading to find out what you should know before/during taking drugs!
* (link-undo:"Go back")
(link:"(Claudiu)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "You have some criteria to be able to take it, don’t be in a relaxed environment when you take it, becasue you have to keep moving. And drink a lot of water!" - //Claudiu//]
(link:"(Loredana)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "You shouldn’t think about what effect it will give you, don’t think at all about it. Just go with the flow and relax, be aware of what you will be taking, and expect to see stuff differently, or things that don’t even exist." – //Loredana//]
(link:"(Amalia)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "Let your feeings flow, don’t resist them and be aware that it will pass. I learned that the most important thing is to allow yourself to feel anything that comes to your mind." - //Amalia//]
(link:"(Lacramioara)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "Expect to have exaggerated feelings and drink a lot of water! I know someone that danced for 16 hours after taking the pill." - //Lacramioara//]
(link:"(Nicoleta)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "You cannot control the effect of the pill, it is like poison for the mind. And for the body... expect to sweat very much! Have a deodorant with you..." - //Nicoleta//]
(link:"(Darius)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "You will be more emotional! I know two girls that kept crying at each other for hours without a proper reason." - //Darius//]
(link:"(Leonard)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "Usually you take the pill 1 h before the party in order for it to have the desired effect on time." - //Leonard//]
(link:"(Maria)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "The best place to try, I heard that it’s on the beach, not at a party or festival." - //Maria//]
(link:"(Sorina)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "If you try just once it’s not giving you the feeling that you want to try again, you cannot get dependent that easy." - //Sorina//]
(link:"(Sorina)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "It can be a nice experience, but only if you feel secure and happy before. It can be like a one time experience, but it can also change you as a person very much, afterwards. This depending on what type you take and how much." - //Sorina//]
(link:"(Sebastian)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "I don’t want to try because as with everything, you can get addictive, especially if you are a type of person that develops easily addictions, in general.” - //Sebastian//]
(link:"(Carina)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "I had an unexpected experience... which turned out to be very bad. I was at Neversea festiaval and someone asked if I have a pill to sell to him. I said I have, but just one for myself. Then he told me he is a police officer and took me an interview at the police station... You get the rest of the story." - //Carina//]
(link:"(Mirela)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "Next day I had to sleep the whole day in order to get better, as I was before the drug, and recover entirely.'' - //Mirela//]
(link:"(Ramona)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "If it wouldn't have been music continuously, it wouldn't have been a nice expeience. When the music stops playing your head hurts and it feels like spinning. So be sure you will have music." - //Ramona//]
(link:"(Georgica)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "Depends on the person; someone I know wanted to try it more and more each time he took it and then made an overdose. He survived. You should always start with no more than a qarter from a pill, to see how your body reacts, and if you are okay after 1 hour, you can take more, but only then." - //Georgica//]
(link:"(Madalina)")+(text-colour:white)[ – "I had the worst experience ever when I combined several types of pills (whatever I was given at that outdoor festival), with drinks and cocaine, in the same night. When I went to the bathroom I saw myself in the mirror, but I didn't know it was me. I saw that she was blonde and I found it strange. Then I saw the watch at her hand (in the mirror) and it seemed strange to me, because it looked the same as mine... and so on, a few minutes in a row.
This happened until I felt on my knees and then stayed in the bathroom until a friend came after me. I remember then that I woke up around 4 in the morning and my friends were leaving. I didn't understand why ... and because I had an interruption during the night. It took me 2 days to recover, or so I was told. Make sure you are with good friends that would take care for you" - //Madalina//]]
* (link-undo:"Go back to begin")
(link:"(Cornelia)")[ – "If you want to have a deep and honest conversation with someone, it is a nice thing to try (weed)... it also can give you more freedom in speaking and you can blame weed the next day if you say something innapropriate." – //Cornelia//]
(link:"(Zamfira)")[ – "You should put your phone aside and not use it while you are under the effect of weed, because you might talk with people you should not, or say things you should not."- //Zamfira//]
(link:"(Daniel)")[ – "It was good for me because I was with someone that tried before me so I knew at what to think and how to react when I panicked." – //Daniel//]
(link:"(Eduard)")[ – "If you are in a dangerous place (where you could fall, for example, or get hurt), make sure that there is at least one supervisor who will not be under the influence of any drugs!" - //Eduard//]
(link:"(Andrei)")[ – "For me, weed calms, resolves anger problems and anxiety but is can also create them. That is why I'm very picky with the people I want to spend time with when I smoke." – //Andrei//]
(link:"(Isabela)")[ – "It is different if you smoke during the day. When it's day your conscious mind is more awake, but during the evenings you are more sleepy and that time it's the best... - //Isabela//]
(link:"(Mariana)")[ – "You can get depressed easily when you smoke - different environmental factors affect your mood, such as weather, time, people you’re with, your mood (for example, from what I experienced, I can say that, if you feel sad before, it will make you more prone to experience sadness". – //Mariana//]
(link:"(Cristian)")[ – "It can be the worst experience if you smoke while you are with some people that you want to keep secrets from. You will only think at what not to say, and soon it will become impossible to distinguish the things you say from the ones you don’t. It was for me like I was afraid to even think at something, in order not to say it out loud. –//Cristian//]
(link:"(Ramona)")[ – "I'm usually a creative person ... But I had a period of time when I couldn't create anymore. So I tried to smoke, hoping weed would fix it ... Somehow it did, but I felt like I was dying if I didn't create something. I sketched for hours. It was a weird experience. – //Ramona//]
(link:"(Medeea)")[ – "It fucks up your mind – you start to cry and laugh at the same time. (Crying because you can’t stop laughing)"! – //Medeea//]
* [[Next->At your home]]
* [[Go back to Begin->Begin]]
(link:"(Mihai)")[–"I like to do it when I am with friends, because I can escape reality easily, focusing on the present moment and making fun of everything. – //Mihai//"]
(link:"(Elena)")[–"It is nice to be in an environment when you feel good and if you have good music it can be a very nice experience. I started to sing and I made my friends do it also and soon it became a karaoke session. – //Elena//"]
(link:"(Sara)")[– "It depends on the amount you smoke; I mean, how much you put inside one joint, and if you mix it with tobacco or not. – //Sara//"]
(link:"(Paul)")[–"You start by feeling that your head is going around everything... And you get to realize that you are high, when you notice every action is repeated, or you respond with delays. – //Paul//"]
(link:"(Diana)")[–"Your mind makes an effort to understand your surroundings... but you are chill if you are with happy and positive people. If you don’t, you might experience panic attacks. I had both experiences at different times. – //Diana//"]
(link:"(Oliviu)")[–"You will kind of lose the control of your body, feeling like in a prison even if you are outside... – //Oliviu//"]
(link:"(Crina)")[–"You should be with people that you trust and have experience with drugs, in oder to be safe in any setting."- //Crina//]
(link:"(Bogdan)")[–"You can end up by asking your friend to move your head, give you certain things... etc., because you won’t be able anymore. Basic stuff that you normally do, but can’t do when you smoke. – //Bogdan//"]
(link:"(Sofia)")[–"I was in my 10th grade and a friend made me do it. – //Sofia//"]
(link:"(George)")[–"I took it because I wanted to have a trip due to the fact that I kept hearing stories of what it is like, but I didn’t feel anything so I guess it didn’t have effect on me. – //George//"]
(link:"(Costin)")[–"I didn’t feel anything but everybody soon went to sleep. – //Costin//"]
(link:"(Mihaela)")[–"You firstly don’t know what to think about and that sucks your energy. – //Mihaela//"]
(link:"(Daria)")[–"Maybe a reasoon why the people that try it once and don’t do it again, is the dissapointed they get when it doesn't have the same effect on them. But personally, it had a different effect on me - I still keep trying until I get to experience a trip, so I play with quantity. – //Daria//"]
* [[Next->On a rooftop]]
* (link-undo:"Go back to Begin")
(replace:?sidebar)[(icon-fullscreen:)](link:"(Cosmin)")[ – "You use it for party usually, to keep up with the rhythm, having no worries and feeling happy and loving people, like “peace maaan”! Sometimes it also got me involved in very deep conversations which were carried in a very energic way."
– //Cosmin//]
[(link:"(Mariana)")[ – "I took cocaine all night while I was clubbing and then I had a very, very hard time to fall asleep... I think it is very helpful to have with you sleep pills (natural if possible) or headache pills."- //Mariana//]
(link:"(Nicoleta)")[ – "I had to have something to drink. It also made me smoke cigarettes, it seemed cool to do that, because everyone was doing it... I felt brave and confident because I do it too. But I would not normally do that, I am against smoking in general." - //Nicoleta//]
(link:"(Mioara)")[ – "You become very energetic and makes you more and more energetic if you keep sniffing during the entire period." - //Mioara//]
(link:"(Carmen)")[ – "You can also do it by the pressure of your surroundings (people that pressure you do to it). When I was in the club, all my friends did it and they made me do it as well. I became very energetic and I danced for more hours than if I wouldn’t have been under the effect of drugs. I still drank alcohol that night, but I had times when I did not drink alcohol after sniffing and the energetic feeling lasted more time." - //Carmen//]
(link:"(Rodica)")[ – "I though I am in a process of making new friends also, but actually we were în a permanent competition." -//Rodica//]
(link:"(Leon)")[ – "Usually people that I know and do cocaine feel shitty because of the way of how it is stigmatized. I also had a humiliating experience so I can confirm that it can make you do weird/bad stuff that you might not be proud of later. – //Leon//]
(link:"(Ciprian)")[ – "All the drug addicts I know no longer know anything about the friends they started taking drugs with. Their lives have been separated since at least one became addicted. You can feel a coldness in their voices when it comes to someone they used to know.
And one more thing: if you put more crabs in a box, you'll see that as soon as one wants to come out, another clings to it and they both fall back into the box. This is how friends in a group of drug addicts behave when one of them tries to get out." – //Ciprian//]]
* [[Go back to Begin->Begin]]
(link:"(Adrian)")[ –" Weed for me is the only thing that is helping me to handle all the things in life; thinking I can’t live without it; thinking it is a medication which is solving all the problems. - //Adrian//]
(link:"(Leana)")[ – "If you are like me, you try other stuff like cocaine, ecstasy, pills but eventually you give up cause you can find the solution to weed, with less side effects, less damage to your body, and is so comfortable to do it. – //Leana//]
(link:"(Rebecca)")[ – "As some people manifest themselves when they need to relax by: walking, meditating, praying... Some find it in weed, with or without alcohol. You can even compare it with a beer; it is so NORMALIZED as something legal, because it is so easy to get it! - //Rebecca//]
(link:"(Raluca)")[ – "I smoke only to eat and stare at the ceiling and then go to sleep. I feel it's the most relaxing sleeptime. – //Raluca//"]
(link:"(Alexandra)")[ –"Nothing revolutionary happened on drugs but my friend smokes and is very creative and always comes with new ideas, and it is was helpful for him and his team at work, being in the creative industry. But he remained without friends because he acted differently lately in his day to day life. - //Alexandra//]
(link:"(Georgiana)")[ – "During the day, you should be active and people can also notice you are different if you smoke, either in the eyes or your behaviour in general, so I wouldn’t recommend to do it during the day if you don’t want to be recognized." - //Georgiana//]
(link:"(Alin)")[ – "I like to watch a movie & instead opening a beer I lighten a joint and smoke it ... I don't need a special place for it, my bedroom is perfect. - //Alin//]
(link:"(Liana)")[ – "Leaving the restaurant, I panicked and I had a very bad experience... I even ended up lying on the side of the street not wanting to move and crying, wihout any reason. The weirdest thing is that I didn't remember every detail, it was my friends that told me the entire story when we arried home, because the effect of the drug was gone." – //Liana//]
(link:"(Corina)")[ – "Going home, I went from the bedroom to bathroom, a distance normally of 2 minutes, in like 30 minutes; and when I reached there, I wasn’t able to pee." – //Corina//]
(link:"(Sorin)")[ – "At some point you feel the Earth is pulling you down and wanting to swallow you... So you lie down, but you still feel like you just want to go down and down... It's crazy scary! But you should be able to remember that you are high...this will help you not have a panic attack" – //Sorin//]
* [[Go back to Begin->Begin]]
(link:"(Stefana)")[ – "Cocaine gives the feeling of an egoist which is better than others, the boss. Some use it to show off, to prove themselves.'' –//Stefana//]
(link:"(Emanuel)")[ – "We were in a holiday at a cabin, a group of friends, we went to a bar and all my friends did it. So I went outside with one of him in the car and sniffed also. It is not the nicest experience to be in a group where everyone is doing it, except you." – //Emanuel//]
(link:"(Ana)")[ – "It is interestingly weird and bad because you can never know what you are using - in that powder it can be sugar... backing powder, flour etc. I know people that had respiratory problems the next day, but passed in few hours after they woke up. " - //Ana//]
(link:"(Minodora)")[ – "The cheaper the product, the more side effects. People (dealers) combine it with more substances in order to have the same amount of product but at a cheaper price. So be careful..." - //Minodora//]
(link:"(Iosif)")[ – "It can easily lead to a worsen lifestyle, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor and how much you pay for it. If done repeatedly it will become a habit. While you are having drinks, you will start to have times when you think about doing it with cocaine, no matter the circumstances." - //Iosif//]
(link:"(Andreea)")[ – "I didn’t try it because the stereotype around it is bad and the ones that do it are not the ideal people of people to stay around, in my opinion. They are either junkies, gangsters or rich people that are arrogant. - //Andreea//]
(link:"(Daiana)")[ – "If one of your friends is using drugs, it can be a challenge to compete. In addition, enjoying something on your own has no charm. That's why drug addicts will always insist on sharing with you the substance they use, for free. Be aware oft he fact that a true friendship was never formed because of any drug. - //Daiana//]
* [[Next->In a club's bathroom]]
* (link-undo:"Go back to Begin")
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If you are curious to see (link:"(more)")[follow the next step!]
(link: "Person 1")[The drugs are very bad.]
(input-box: bind $code, "XXX=", 10, "Click to write here who are you, and what your experience with drugs is, if you please. This will not be saved but it will be just for yourself, in order to free your mind – see it as writing an entry in your diary")
(border: "solid", "dotted") [This is a test]
(b4r-color:red,yellow,green,blue)+(b4r:"dotted")[Isn't it a lovely time?]
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(b4r-color:magenta)+(b4r:"ridge")[LEVEL 01: DREAM WORLD]
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:8)[Hasn't this gone on too long?]
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:12)[Shouldn't you tell them the truth?]
(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:16)[//That you're not really who you say you are??//]
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– "I think I felt empty inside... it’s like you start to feel bad with yourself.. a junkie with no purpose, because after smoking so long just to feel better, you are not happy anymore when you are not high. You realise then at some point and stop to find purpose without being under the effect of a drug." – //Cosmin//
– "I had a very bad experience, so I didn’t try again soon. I tried after almost 2 years, but I had the same feeling of fear and anxiety as before. And I tried that last time because of my friends - they convinced me that if I don’t think about it, I will have a good experience. But it happened otherwise, so I decided I won’t smoke anymore in my life... now it’s past 3 years since I am clean. – //Marius//
– "It can be just dissapointment but it depends on the level of addiction. You can end up by doing anything to get it - that’s why some people that I used to know, now steal and stuff... You also get to analyze the group you are in, if it’s not too late to become a normality. For me it was around that time when I saw I am surrounded by the people that made me use drugs, so I left and now I have other firends. And I am clean." - //Laurentiu//
– "I wanted to stop because I had reached a moment in my life when I was smoking everyday weed, and it became harder and harder for me to remember things... I was forgetting important stuff and that bothered me." - //Alexandra//
– "No one is your friend. You cannot make friends throguh drugs, not real ones at least. Once you understand that, the fun and tempation lowers and you start to see things differently." - //Sandra//
* (link-undo:"Go back")
Hello. I am ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[Andreea Bindar]'', a 22 years old girl from ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[Romania]''. I decided to create this guide because I have experienced how //living with a person who uses drugs affects the couple's life and the surroundings //...
###[I tried to be the ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[hero]'' who ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[can change that person]'', and the one who makes him overcome his addictions. It took me more than a year to realize it ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[wasn't possible]''.]
(text-style:"blur")[In time I found myself as being one //out of friends// and in a //toxic relationship// from where I could not escape easily... But I also had things to learn and I became more mature and able to analyze people.]
(link-style: (text-colour:#d0bfff))[(link:"Why to read the guide?")[
I bet you’ve heard many times (text-colour:#d6336c)[“Don’t use drugs, you’ll die!”]. But... no explanation of //WHY//, or //HOW// it is to be on drugs.
###(text-colour:#d6336c)[Now you will find out both!]
In this guide I have gathered the (text-colour:#d6336c)[experiences and opinions] of many people, aged between 22-40, about the most popular drugs in Romania, (study case Constanta). These seemed to be cannabis, cocaine and pills, tried in different contexts and for different reasons, with or without alcohol.
Therefore, I hope it will ''(text-colour:#d6336c)[help you]'' in some way, when, for example, you will be in an environment where you need to have some knowledge about what is happening around you (in the matter of drugs), and take the decision of wheter to try it or not.]]]
######*//Note//: all the names in this guide are fictive. The ones interviewed wanted to remain anonymous.
####*//Note//: //when you will see the word "Pills", it is about Ecstasy.//
* (link-undo:"Go back")
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###[[Around the campfire->Around the campfire]]\
###[[On a rooftop->On a rooftop]] \
###[[At your home->At your home]] \
(set: $x to (font: "cabinsketchbold"))\
###[[In a car->In a car]] \
###[[In a club's bathroom
->In a club's bathroom]]\
(set: $x to (font: "cabinsketchbold"))\
###[[At a festival->At a festival]]\
(set: $x to (font: "cabinsketchbold"))
###(text-style:"expand")[(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:8)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Why people stop->stop]]]]
####(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:8)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Get help->help]]]]]]
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* [[Go back to start->START PAGE]]
Ways to handle addiction:
* talk about it (family, friends);
* go to a disintoxication center. There are a lot of options, depending on where you are from.
Click here to see some options:
(text-colour:#d0bfff)[(link: "Disintoxication Centers")[(goto-url: 'https://www.romedic.ro/index-medical/centre-de-dezintoxicare')]]
* you can also contact a psichologist/ psychiatrist. Search for one in your area.
##If it is urgent, (text-colour:#d6336c)[call 112].
The consumption is not punished.
(text-colour:#d6336c)[But make sure you don't have drugs on you when you get to the Emergency Department!]
* (link-undo:"Go back")
Double-click this passage to edit it.